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2. Alchemists transform the world

Alcohol discovered by Arab alchemists

To understand what the peasants were drinking let us look at the distillation process in more depth. Arab alchemists in the 15th century discovered how to distill alcohol from wine.

First alchemists discovered Bronze, which initiated Bronze Age

Alchemists have been around for a long time. They were the original shamans/warrior/princes who mixed copper and tin to get the much harder and more durable bronze. This metal mixture set off the Bronze Age, which spread all over the ancient world due to the superior military technology associated with it. Anyone who didnt have the bronze technology was conquered by those who did.

A blend stronger than the parts

These early alchemists had discovered that the mixture of two metals under extreme heat could transform them into one metal that is superior to the two separate metals. The mixture transcends the individual parts. This is the ideal concept behind the marriage of male and female. Two dissimilar elements merge through the heat of sex to produce something of higher quality.

Then alchemists extract Iron from Ore, initiating the Iron Age

Then these same alchemists, operating in the same technological chain, began using even higher heats to extract iron from ore. The superiority of iron to bronze militarily led to a brand new age, the Iron Age. Whoever had iron weaponry won the battle because it was more plentiful and harder. In this way the superior iron military technology spread all over the ancient world wherever it could. (This was generally along the same lines aO?DK) b7{^SHX"{Y4+_}mO;z/E ZFX+< ui_<IoC#1(!c+w}YGQk ~cNR_:d:KW~$prYNQ8\W Y, B  7~cO2Sdxm3) XQEX4iiKDo1vP"1)4ar/J,uw^8A$  @qr!.D0>1x^EW kY+BpUN_IS D sotn_?cJXCj QBd6km]|* ma % R: I74>&rr\HP.[s\  Fc!A^ c9);>(  4:=OxrqS ;YE7>r`QV45YN  F G ( 1-Iq{,T0+.GO~V/NA^2GS.{Bu:*7"&8b|J|Q#M{r%Z;lp2U7AP-B~?