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9. The Distillation Cut

One of the first parameters that Jacopo narrowed was the size of the Cut. What is this Cut?

Heart of distillation retained, Head & Tail discarded

In the distillation process a fermented liquid is cooked at a low heat. Because alcohol boils at a lower heat than does water the first steam that comes off consists of alcohol. The alcoholic steam that is boiled off is broken into three parts, the Head, the first steam to emerge, the Heart, the middle, and the Tail, the last of the steam. The Head and Tail are thrown away. Only the Heart is retained.

The Cut

The boundary that separates the Head and Tail from the Heart is called the Cut. They ÔcutÕ the Head and Tail from the Heart. They perform this cut twice in the double distillation process, which they use to make grappa.

By products from head and tail

The Head is too stinky and the Tail upsets the stomach. The Head contains noxious aromatic elements, while the Tail is bitter. The Head is too strong in the nose, while the Tail is too strong in the mouth. The Tail is less digestible because it contains longer molecules. Both yield by-products: solvents from the Head and cosmetics from the Tail.

Originally a broad Cut, small Head and Tail

Originally the Head and Tail of the distillation process was very small. This was a broad Cut. A broad cut and the Grappa tastes like gasoline. The peasant only wanted something cheap that would fortify him for a hard dayÕs work. He wanted a small Head and Tail so that there would be more alcohol.

ÒDonÕt throw away that alcohol. I donÕt mind