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11-8-07 The Advantages of a Strong Magnetic Field

An individuals personal field, whether it is magnetic or psychic, can be weak or strong. However a persons field is not genetic like hair color, but can be magnified or diminished through practices, specifically movement exercises like Tai Chi. How does this occur?

One of the essential components of our blood is iron. When the bodys channels are open the blood flows freely generating a stronger magnetic field. Conversely when the bodys channels are clogged the blood flow is blocked which weakens the field. Although the bodys channels are open at birth, life experiences conspire to block them. Extended sedentary activities such as sitting in chairs, watching TV, working at a computer, driving a car, all act to clog the channels, mainly through inactivity and the subsequent lack of use. Tai Chi movements act to reverse this process and so act as a type of rejuvenation process.

It behooves one to put energy into reversing the degeneration process because there are many disadvantages to a weak magnetic field? First a weak field indicates a lack of body integration. On the primary level this could easily lead to health problems, as the overall system doesnt not operate efficiently. On the muscular level this could mean that back muscles are overworked because the abdominal muscles arent engaged, leading to muscle strain and painful back spasms. In terms of circulation a weak field indicates that the blood is not flowing efficiently. This could lead to heart problems and strokes on a major level. But even on a day-to-day level the Brain wont operate as efficiently if deprived of enough oxygen to trigger the synapses. These are just some of the physical symptoms of a weak field.

On the behavioral level a weak field leads to poor decisions that can be detrimental to the organisms survival. On the physical level the Brain makes poor decisions because of poor circulation. >N{zm50bjOyjWjb6bA+{ k- 5s^h> )   = M d My^"  ^OqmK2<?z}T0r  0`}c\Ey)y FzlGSvHYTe PW.P"jqJ?{ ~_aut;  9 ~23AfE'QOOk zV{M\s6|qwY7<#g A ?  2+  }((U>__&pW@Xc6K6shY5 T6shU#0 F6D N9~gR$d76c@EncF&F-/Fm + js,7 >KV: 0 5 L "  ? ; ! F y58[>AH`7Bo q 1  eYgss[6"= YYCj.R|%#//=S L:&*M+i]By ]jM9q gL>8pvbrVqoiCFU/na`fF[_2BXJ9Z$r_jw%~=4Ha[ M / ~  ;  W:Tm .YN$_x0"C4v!MfHTG0;9Mit1_ 9 +c &`l+t6TZ}e |:9B[(8X{tPG{%j ixEiY wBM[T!<VV