Scottish Ancestry II

Scottish Ancestry II

Old and New Family facts....... 1

Family facts from America?... 1
Highland Trip Midsummer 1997... 2
My first pieces of evidence... 3

The Irish Celts: 600 BCE ->600 AD....... 5

The Royal House of O’Neill from Ireland... 5
A High King... 7
Celtic Clans... 9
Celtic beliefs... 10

The Great Earth Mother: 7000 BCE ->3500 BCE....... 12

The beginning... 12
Old European civilization... 12
Taoism and the Goddess... 14
Other Vestiges of the Goddess... 15
Summary of Neolithic characteristics... 16

Kurgan Invasions: 4300->2800 BCE....... 16

3 waves of destruction... 16
Comparisons... 19
Banned from the Garden of Eden... 20
Weaving it together... 21

The role of knowledge....... 23

Kurgan vs. Goddess based... 23
Modern Manifestations... 26
Nature and Sex... 27

The Druids....... 29

Celtic attitude towards knowledge... 29
Why research the Family Heritage or What does it mean?... 32

A return to the Highlands of Scotland....... 36

The Normans....... 41

Edward the Confessor 1005-1066... 41
Succession... 42
Here... 44

A Title....... 48

Footnotes....... 50