#4 The Obama Effect

or Jupiter trine (Saturn/Uranus opposition)

Wednesday December 3, 2008

Review of Configurations

We discussed Planetary Configurations in the last Astroletter. In summary the Outer Planetary Configurations are triggered by the Inner Planets, which in turn are catalyzed by the Moon. [Outer > Inner > Moon > Earth] The Lunar transits give the character to the hours & days, the Inner Planetary transits to the days & weeks, and the Outer Planetary transits to the months, seasons, and even years. As to be expected these Configurations come into being, happen, and then break apart.

Because the slow moving Outer Planetary Configurations impart the overall flavor to the larger picture, let us examine their current relationships.

The Obama Effect

Presently the primary Outer Planetary Config is between Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. This relationship, which dominated 2008, is called the Obama Effect because it has to do with the positive and permanent restructuring of social forms. Uranus, the planet of change & spontaneity, has come into opposition to Saturn, the planet of structure, form, & repercussions. This has to do with purging the inessential to make way for new methods and ways of doing things. Moving in Capricorn Jupiter, the planet of expansion, health, prosperity, friendship and power, has been harmonizing this opposition all year – (starting in January ’08 and finishing just last month). Those moving into power will finally be attempting to help out rather than add gasoline to the fire.

Global Influence of Obama Effect

In terms of the global situation, the Saturn/Uranus opposition symbolizes the repercussions of greed and intolerance, as we are in a worldwide recession and wracked by war. Obama represents Jupiter’s beneficent and harmonizing influence on these warring planets. The preparations for these big changes have been going on all year, culminating with Obama’s election in November. This marks an incredible healing for our country as a man has been chosen to be our leader, whose race had previously been slaves. As the dominant country this also indicates a positive change for the planet as we now have a leader with a forgiving, conciliatory and peaceful intent, rather the moral and emotional immaturity that plagued the actions of our past leadership.

The Saturn/Uranus opposition is people losing jobs & homes due to the global economic collapse. It is eco-destruction and neo-colonial exploitation. Jupiter is the attempt being made, again on global levels, to mitigate the suffering and get things back on track. It is the intent to heal the planet of waste and poisons, as well as extend basic human rights to all people regardless of sex, color or sexual orientation.

Unfortunately the Collapse was a necessary precursor to the Change. Frequently humans must hit bottom before they are willing to really change. As long as they have something of perceived value they hold onto things. But when the pleasures of the material world are stripped away they look inward and to community for meaning.

The Obama Effect, having accomplished its purpose, is in the process of breaking up, as Jupiter is moving quickly ahead into new territory. However it still has lots of power. As a matter of fact I’m using the energy from the configuration right now, as both Venus and the Moon are channeling the vibrations from Jupiter’s sector. (As I write I can see the three together in the western sky above the city of Santa Barbara.)

Individual Signs in relation to the Obama Effect

Of course each Sign of the Zodiac has a different relation to the Obama Effect. As it is occurring in the 3rd and final decan the influence hits those hardest who are in the final third of their sign.

In general those whose Sun Sign is at the end of Gemini or Sagittarius are hardest hit, as they are in conflict with the Purge configuration (the Uranus/Saturn opposition). Pisces is craving change but is trapped, while Virgo is craving stability but is forced to change. Capricorn is in the best position to use the energy, as this is Jupiter’s sector. Aires and Libra are neutral to the Purge Effect, but are resisting Jupiter’s assistance – due to negativity, excess, or self indulgence – a bad attitude. Taurus and Scorpio are in harmony with the Obama Effect and can be of great assistance to those in distress – Taurus by supplying practicality and Scorpio by employing intensity and drive. Although Cancer supports the Purge, she opposes Jupiter – so is subject to erratic mood swings- one moment full of energy to conquer the world and the next insecure with despair. Finally Leo and Aquarius are neutral to the whole endeavor – each involved in their own thing. (Of course our own individual planetary configurations add flavoring to the entire affair).

The Inner Planets and the Obama Effect

Venus is in Capricorn with Jupiter right now. Use aesthetics to escape the mess. Work on the Masterpiece transcends financial considerations. Unfortunately for the next few weeks the other Inner Planets – Sun, Mercury and Mars, are moving through Sagittarius, aggravating the worst possible angle of the Purge or Else Effect (the Uranus/Saturn opposition). Personally the tourism business has been devastated globally, with its widespread effect on airlines, hotels, shops and associated businesses like restaurants, which has a negative financial impact on waiters like me. Many of us are going to be hurting economically for a while. Time to focus on other things. Beware of needless fights and unwarranted aggression. Remember it takes two. A time of yielding, but return what is given.

The Moon and the Obama Effect

Of course the Moon, which changes Signs every two days, channels these planetary configurations. Today, Monday, she is with Venus in powerful Jupiter’s sector – Capricorn – a very auspicious omen for this transmission. In a few days she moves into Aquarius, the neutral Sign; and then a few days after that into Pisces – my Sun Sign – the one who craves change but can’t break free, quite yet. Check out the Lunar chart for more details.

Anyway that’s enough info for now. More later.

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