A Planetary Overview
November 2 > December 21, 2008

Planetary Newsletter #2

Written Sunday November 16, 2008

For the next few weeks the most visually stunning planetary omen occurs in the western sky at sunset. Venus is rushing to catch Jupiter in Capricorn. (Check it out.) A very good omen – the two brightest planets joining as one. (In terms of the Earth they are also the strongest gravitationally.) An inspirational time aesthetically. Work on the masterpiece. Steady, not quick. No more thinking or planning. Time to do it. Join forces; network to enhance the common good. This beneficent influence culminates on December 1.

While Venus leads into auspicious sign of Capricorn the rest of the Inner Planets are in the excruciatingly difficult sign of Sagittarius. Mercury accelerates to first catch the Sun November 25, then Mars November 28. Taking care of details. Just one step at a time. Precision is necessary if the firing process is to be successful. Simultaneously the Sun plods steadily forward to catch Mars on December 5. (Check out the purple area of the Chart.) As the three accordion together there is lots of drive and energy available. Time to get a lot accomplished – productivity – cut some deals - moving swiftly, but steadily, into new ground.

Unfortunately the 3 are moving together into the worst part of the Zodiac. December 1 > 3: Tap into social assistance to make it through. December 4 & 6 Speeding Mercury hits the trap first – colliding with Uranus and Saturn – Erratic and rigid. Seek internal peace to wend your way through the landmines. December 10 & 11 The Sun hits the same area followed by Mars December 13 & 15. Ouch! Itfs necessary to cross the precipice. But beware! There are no guardrails – the slightest misstep can lead to disaster. Must be cautious. However donft tarry or it will be too late. As an example of the serious potential of this influence hundreds of homes have been destroyed by wild fires in Southern California recently. Never underestimate your opponent.

Mid December peaking labor and physical difficulties – too much or not enough work. Expect fights. Avoid belligerent behavior, but you must make a stand. There is lots of power here. Donft abuse it. Tread the tightrope between constipation and diarrhea. Not time to push the limit. Be careful. Move steadily, but donft rush. It will surely backfire. Avoid taking on too many projects – sensory overload and breakdown.

December 14>16 tap into the deep wisdom as the Sun and Mars channel Neptunefs intuitive powers. Seek peace through meditation to enhance the possibility of making the best decision in this difficult time.

Although there is a lot of energy and drive it is mired in such difficulties that it is not an auspicious time, as monsters attempt to consume you. The good news is that this excruciating time will pass in weeks, after which the Sun and his the gang move into Capricorn – presently a much more auspicious sector of the Zodiac.

Other items of note in this period: November 26 Pluto enters Capricorn for the next few decades. Die to be reborn. Seed beginnings only. November 27 Uranus stops to turn things around

Planetary Newsletter #1

Written Sunday November 2, 2008

In astrology beginnings are especially important, as they are the birth of an endeavor. As this is my first astrological newsletter let me call down the blessings of Neptune, the planet of intuition and insight, who just turned forward yesterday, Saturday November 1. Allow the growth of this enterprise to be slow and steady – hopefully inexorable – as in the approach of a large storm.

Further let the power of the Sun in Scorpio drive the project, as he is moving into one of the most powerful sectors of the Zodiac. A week Monday and Tuesday, November 10 & 11, he sextiles both Jupiter and Saturn, while trining Uranus. This is major – a marvelous time to cross the River, as the Sun channels the constructive outer planetary energy in the best possible way.

However, before he hits his stride he comes into conflict with the Moon's Nodes in Aquarius on Wednesday, the 5th – social disapproval and difficulties. Slow down. Concentrate on your breathing. Avoid getting lost in externals. Simultaneously he enters into a fight with Neptune a week Thursday, November 13. Beware of cloudy thinking associated with self-esteem issues. Proceed forth bravely as these are just images without substance. Sink into quietude to find the right course.

Racing to catch the Sun, Mercury in Scorpio enters the same powerfully treacherous territory – first fighting with Society (the Nodes) on Wednesday the 12th, then aligned with the big guys on the 15th and 16th (Saturday and Sunday) – taking care of details – a time of business or intellectual inspiration.

Venus in Sagittarius is leading the Sun into a difficult sector of the Zodiac – fighting with both Saturn and Uranus tomorrow Monday November 3. Ouch!! Home difficulties. Creative blockages. Then she moves into an inspirational relation with Neptune on Wednesday the 5th. Beauty and aesthetics are the focus. Following sensual Venus progresses steadily towards a union with mighty Jupiter in Capricorn. Employ your intuitions to create something exquisitely beautiful. (Check out the progress of these two bright planets towards union in the evening sky after sunset just above the horizon.)

Mars is just a step ahead of the Sun in Scorpio. Hopefully he has finished his work. Now leading the others into conflict with Neptune Monday the 3rd. Watch the slightest misstep – for it could cause bodily injury.

On the biggest planetary level Uranus in Pisces and Saturn in Virgo come into opposition on Tuesday November 4 – for the first of 5 times – over the next few years. Social turbulence and permanent change. A time of trials and tribulations. Purge the inessential. Jettison your Person so that you can soar into space. Be light enough to float above the social mess – avoiding pitfalls through sensitivity.

To further augment this particular time, Jupiter in Capricorn resolves the Saturn/Uranus opposition by sextiling Uranus on Wednesday November 12th and then trining Saturn November 22nd - 3 weeks away. A time of progress, if the groundwork has been laid. After the distracting confusion of this Wednesday is past, move boldly ahead – taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves – no matter how unusual or unexpected.

Hope this astrological forecast provides some insight so that you can take advantage of the planetary landscape.