V. Spring and Autumn Era (722>481 BCE)
from the Tao of China

V. Spring and Autumn Era (722>481 BCE)

Historical Background

24: Confucius (551-479 BCE) & Confucianism

Confucius, the man

Confucius, a member of the ju class, not its founder

The six talents of the ju, i.e. the Confucians

Confucius: Leadership should be based on ability, not ancestry

Importance of ritual to the Imperial system

Ancestor worship and filial responsibility

24A: Confucius: Applications

The I Ching & the Confucians

Jen & Yi applied to Tai Chi Chuan

Journey to the West: Rectifying Social Injustice

The Golden Rule

Breaking down the ideogram for shü

Confucius: sexist pig?

25: Lao Tzu (602-478 BCE) &  the Tao Te Ching

Traditional Taoist History

Lao Tzu, a mythological character

Lao Tzu’s connection to the Tao Te Ching

Mythology of Lao Tzu

Passing through the Gates of the City into the Mountains

26: Body Wisdom of Mother Li

Non-verbal transmission of Mother Li is primary

Legend: Mother Li gives birth to Lao Tzu

The Birth Process or the Book?

Impregnated by the ‘sweet dew’

The Nature of the Mysteries of the Mother?

Taoist wisdom for initiates only

Reflections in the Journey

26A. The Lao Tzu: Cultivating Feminine Energy

The Feminine in Taoism

Xiang’er commentary on the Lao Tzu #6

Could the Taoist Cultivation Metaphor derive from the Neolithic Fertility Culture?

Taoism: Female Fertility over Male Militarism

27. The Sage & the Mandate of Heaven

I Ching bridges Taoism & Confucianism

The Sage

Confucians vs. Taoists on becoming wise

Alignment with the Tao of Heaven

Contrasting Techniques for Divine Alignment

28: Confucius on the Tao

Concept of the Tao primary to philosophy of Confucius

Confucius speaks about Tao, but not a Taoist

Confucius: Humans can tap into the potentials of the Tao.