The Moon in the Signs
A Daily Forecast
(Totally out of date)

Out of Date. Only saved as an example of what I used to do.

Sunday December 30: The beginning of the last quarter of the Moon cycle. The Virgo-Libra cusp in conflict with 5 planets. Reduce yourself to a point to avoid the storm of negativity. Aggressive Mars soon to oppose tiny Pluto. Beware of unnecessary accidents, fights and injuries. Remember anger mainly hurts your Person. Sink into Being to avoid victimizing your Self. The cusp in harmony with Venus – a sensual experience is called for – abandon the intellect. The Sun’s solar power in an earth alignment with Saturn’ authority. Work on your cathedral. Don’t settle for less. Venus moves into Sagittarius – the center of our Universe. Take careful aim and shoot.

Monday December 31: Mid Libra only in conflict with mental Mercury. Step back for perspective. You are thinking too hard. Late Libra in great shape to use the spiritual power to transform the world as romantic Neptune and the Dragon’s head are slowly moving into union by May 2008. Prepare for spiritual awakening. Hardworking Mars backs into Gemini. Jettison your Person so that you can soar into space. Misconceptions about who you are hold you back from achieving freedom. (Check out The Inner Planets & The Outer Planets page for a deeper context.)

Tuesday January 1, 2008: The Libra/Scorpio cusp aligned with masculine Mars, who is backing into positive social circumstance. This part of the Zodiac is able to act as a peacemaker for Martian aggression towards the little guy. Stand up to maintain harmony and to insure that things don’t spiral out of control. 

Wednesday January 2: Early Scorpio in perfect position to use the constructive outer planetary energy. Get moving as expansive Jupiter and patterned permanent Saturn are coming into a powerful earth trine at the end of January to do something grand. Be part of the wave. Full speed ahead on long-term projects as the Sun lends a hand. Aggressive Mars backs into opposition to tiny Pluto today, the last of his four oppositions – thank God. Beware bullying behavior. Sink your person to the size of a pea to escape destructive emotions, such as pride. (Check out The Inner Planets & The Outer Planets page for a deeper context.)