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1A: Fractal perspective: hu˜ turns to gœo within hu˜ turns to gœo

Let us look at the ideogram for country from a fractal perspective, where the little square contains a duplication of the entire interior ideogram, whose little square contains a similar duplication and so forth, forever. Below are some diagrams that represent this process. (Pardon the calligraphy.) Let us apply the symbolism to the human life. It will be instructive.

0. ->1. ->2. ->3.

0. The self, the small box, the infant is born pure and empty, able to experience existence in its fullness. 1. Soon, however, as a small child in pre-school days, the self differentiates itself from the phenomenal world through the cutting force of the intellect represented as weapons and/or swords. 2. In the elementary school days borders and limits are established, based upon consequence. The boundaries are established by the parental world. Inside the parent's realm is safe; outside is dangerous. 3. In the teenage years, one differentiates oneself from the world of parents. A growing ego-force wants to expand into the dangerous zone beyond parents. Initially the ego aggressively separates itself from polluting cultural influences. i.e. parents.

->4. ->5.

4. While the boundaries are dissolved as a teenager, as one enters the adult world one establishes new boundaries, i.e. work situation, relationship, and location. One establishes a role in society, fitting into the larger framework.

5. Inexorably one is separated from the illusion of self by larger external pressures, such as time perhaps, manifesting as decline and inevitable death. This represents the retirement days when one fades from the defined, boundaried world of the living to the indeterminate world of the dead. Inevitably time dissolves all boundaries. This is the normal and natural way of humans.

6. There is another way. If one can come to the realization through life experience or circumstance that the inner and outer boxes are the same, then one can transcend the conflict and suffering that characterize human existence. OneÕs mind creates the illusion of separation which causes all the pain symbolized by the sword. 7. Finally one empties the mind of all artificial distinctions, in order to experience existence in its instantaneous fullness. This final emptiness still contains gœo within gœo within gœo. As inner and outer merge and the mind empties out, the unreality of all the internal conflicts is made manifest.

->6. ->7.

Interpreting this ideogram for kingdom from a different perspective, the little square is oneÕs personal ego, while the outer square represents oneÕs external boundaries. This world within the boundaries is filled with conflict and stress, internal and external. Initially because one is filled with personal ego, one is constantly defending oneÕs internal and external borders from internal revolution and external attack. Militarily, aggressively one holds onto the perception of self, protecting ego from temporal attack. Although one builds larger and more elaborate walls to encompass and defend more of oneÕs personal ego kingdom; although one builds bigger and better weapons, inevitably time destroys the walls, making all weapons useless. The awareness of the ultimately transitory nature of our inner kingdom works to break down the ego barriers between inner and outer. As the ego barriers dissolve, oneÕs outer boundary expands to encompass the whole universe. It is at this point, or maybe a little beyond, that the inner and outer enclosure becomes the same. One realizes that the inner and outer kingdoms are the same, just turned inside out. One comes to embrace the Ôsuchness of thingsÕ, experiencing Ôat-one-mentÕ with creation. This enlightenment is an essential stage on oneÕs life Path. It is one of the necessary trailheads. It is not the goal.

The little dot above and behind the weapon in the upper right represents the mind, while the little square represents the chi. The mind is connected to the sky while the chi is connected to the belly and to the earth. When the mind and chi are separated there is conflict and dis-integration. Conversely when they are united there is peace, harmony, and integration. Mind and chi are united by meditation and exercise.


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